Winners Revealed

Are you one of 50 lucky players to receive mighty prizes in the Welt 5 Launch Giveaway? Here are the winners!

Congratulations to the following winners:

Dwlawton, Ganja princess, KoritAZ, death blades, buddah73, AnDrEee, Kris5lfc, RoxigG, farming212, Thekekevv, master_crinas, LordMurzik, Spoolmeister, Gregorix02, CaptainAlex, Master Paladin Def, phonib1a, krev, hasobree15, Stanisslaus-Tubi, serega_nk, kristanbul5lfc, lakutus, S_m_a_i_L, Tencenttexan, moymoy73, -Aleksey, baoden212, Rogue521, unit_inc, Armtoe775, Ammar qureshi, Vladik Kelborm, IizUandUizMe, KaptKang, KoritAZ, MateoFaLcoNe, camerooner, DOA_7Spicy McHaggis, peacethroughwisdom, Lord_Vulsak, Eliel0911, damiaoo, _Mapper_, Thunderfingers, Barret30, Woody1044, cath8702, borus1980, Jhgusy, iftekhar, Nelly04, KoakingII, devgrux

The winners have been picked at random from the pool of participants of our Facebook Giveaway and have been rewarded with the prizes:

  • 10 Random Packs
  • 5 Super Random Packs
  • 5 Ultimate Random Packs
  • 1 30-day Premium Token

As Lords and Ladies place their humble huts across the lavish lands of Germany and its neighboring regions…