Today’s update makes 15+ additions to the game
The Stronghold Kingdoms Autumn Update adds new features and tweaks for both new players and veterans of SHK.
To improve the experience for new players the Kingdoms tutorial has been improved to make it more intuitive for new players. Sir Longarm (from the original Stronghold) has been added to the game, both in the tutorial and in the new Player Guide. This Player Guide, which can be turned off, offers new and returning players the opportunity to try out new features added to the game since release and features they may simply have missed along the way. These include the Coat of Arms Designer, Quests, Avatar and Mail systems.
New world entry mechanics have also been implemented, allowing users to see player population levels in different counties when manually playing their village. Additional notification screens have also been added to help guide new players, as well as new award sound effects when ranking up.
That’s not to say the update is focussed entirely on new players! Several advanced features have been added, many in direct response to community feedback. Stewards, Sheriffs, Governors and Kings will be interested to hear that they can now send Proclamations! These act as announcements for their subjects and as such cannot be responded to.
New castle deletion options for player castles are now available under Advanced Options, with the ability to delete all castle infrastructure including Moats, Killing Pits and Oil Pots. When on the Castle Screen, players may notice they now have the ability to drag and drop castle walls over other castle structures.
Miscellaneous additions also include the ability to use web links in chat.
For a full list of update notes, please visit the News & Client Updates section of the forums at